Total Medals Earned: 566 (From 132 different games.) Total Medal Score: 8,675 Points
Medals Earned: 2/5 (35/160 points)
Defeat the skeleton
Solve a puzzle.
Medals Earned: 13/14 (385/485 points)
Hire your first adventurer into the agency.
Reject an application from an adventurer wishing to join your agency.
Increase your agency reputation for the first time.
Witness the demise of one of your adventurers.
Sack an adventurer who is at least level 10.
Have an adventurer reach level 50.
Earn at least 100,000 gold.
Achieve a World Renowned reptuation for your agency.
Honour your first adventurer.
Spend at least 150,000 gold.
Hire an adventurer in every party member slot.
Claim the rewards from every location task.
Prestige an adventurer.
Honour an adventurer in every party member slot.
Medals Earned: 3/17 (20/495 points)
Solve a puzzle on a small board in less than 5 seconds.
Use a hint.
Solve 20 puzzles on a small board.
Solve a puzzle on a big board in less than 1 minute.
Solve 100 puzzles on a small board.
Use 20 hints in total.
Solve 20 puzzles on a medium board.
Solve 20 puzzles on a big board.
Solve a puzzle on a medium board in less than 10 seconds.
Solve a puzzle on a big board in less than 30 seconds.
Solve a puzzle on a medium board in less than 15 seconds.
Solve 100 puzzles on a big board.
Use 100 hints in total.
Solve 100 puzzles on a medium board.
Solve a puzzle on a big board in less than 15 seconds.
Solve 300 puzzles on a big board.
Medals Earned: 3/8 (225/500 points)
Hold it in 30 seconds
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Hold on 80 seconds
Complete Story Mode
Hold on 100 seconds
Get poop on dad 20 times.
Hold on 150 seconds
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/280 points)
level 1
level 3
level 6
level 9
level 12
level 15
level 18
level 21
level 24
Medals Earned: 1/43 (10/430 points)
Find the Corn Poppy in hell
The secret smile of Mona Lisa
Find the Girl with the pearl earring in hell
Find all 3 hidden stars
Win game with all right Answers
Find Mona Lisa in hell
Find the son of man in hell
Find the Scream in Hell
Find Van Gogh in Hell
Find Venus in hell
Medals Earned: 6/6 (45/45 points)
Complete Act 1
Complete Act 2
Complete Act 3
Medals Earned: 8/22 (55/500 points)
Farm 100 Gold yourself!
Buy 10 Goblins!
Farm 500 Gold yourself!
Research 100 RP yourself!
Research 500 RP yourself!
Conquer your first realm and finish the tutorial!
Farm 2500 Gold yourself!
Research 2500 RP yourself!
Buy 25 Goblins!
Buy 50 Goblins!
Buy 75 Goblins!
Farm 10000 Gold yourself!
Research 10000 RP yourself!
Research 25000 RP yourself!
Buy 100 Goblins!
Conquer the first lands!
Farm 25000 Gold yourself!
Conquer the west lands!
Conquer the desert lands!
Conquer the mountain lands!
Conquer the green lands!
Conquer the shadow lands and the earth will be yours!
Medals Earned: 3/12 (40/500 points)
Finish 10 games!
Finish 50 games!
Finish 100 games!
Play 1 hour!
Play 10 hours!
Earn 1 Million Dollar!
Play 50 hours!
Finish 150 games!
Finish 200 games!
Earn 10 Million Dollar!
Earn 100 Million Dollar!
Medals Earned: 3/12 (20/490 points)
Start an Adventure
People start greeting you on the streets.
You get all kinds of presents from thanksful villagers.
People want to fight for you.
Your name is famous in several Kingdoms
People are naming their children after you.
A statue was build for you.
You are crowned to be the King of the Blobzone.
Thousands of Men fight under your regency.
You are seen as the greatest Hero there has ever been.
They even tell Legends about your Sword now.
Only you can save the world.